
Showing posts from August, 2018

First Day Questions

I have been using a computer for about 12 years now. I hope to gain some basic skills/knowledge of Photoshop and Illustrator because I have about none. Computers are a tool to help aide in the process of visual studies. I have very little experience with Photoshop (played around with it in high school, but was never took classes for it). I have no experience using Illustrator. I do have a computer at home, but it does not have Photoshop or Illustrator on it yet. I use a PC. I am a Game Design/Development major. I hope to get a job and create something with my major. Favorite artist - none that I can think of. My favorite musician - Mac DeMarco Something interesting about myself- I make music in my room as a little side hobby and sometimes record it. There once was a guy who was going to local college in his area. He chose game design/development as his major. He had gone to university prior to attending this college, but he transferred because he didn't like