Movie Plot

[Title]: Trapped

The main protagonist, [male freshman high-schooler], gets out of school and immediately wants to find something to do. He decides to go downtown and discovers that a new arcade has recently opened up. He enters the arcade and finds that it is completely empty, however, all of the machines are still operating. He is immediately drawn to this old-school beat-em up arcade cabinet. Right as he presses start he is sucked into the game. 

In the game the protagonist is confronted by the game master (GM), who tells him the rules of the game. The GM informs him that he is to proceed through four stages and the boss stage to win the game. He has only 3 "continues" and if he is to use them all up without winning the game, his soul will be forever trapped in the game. 

By the fourth stage the protagonist has used up all of his continues. Once he reaches the boss stage, through determination and willpower, he defeats the final boss despite the odds being against him. Once he reaches the end, he is confronted by the GM once again. The GM is upset that he made it this far, and so it tries to stop him from leaving. Once the GM is defeated the arcade cabinet becomes unusable. The protagonist manages to find the exit and is able to go home. THE END.


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